Stacked Deck X Mountain Time Semen Available $100/ dose - Bred by Midwest Genetics You know you've landed a great one when it's hard to find the words to describe how good we honestly feel he is. Believe it or not, his pictures don't do him justice. INCREDIBLY HEAVY BONED, GIGANTIC FEET, TONS OF SPREAD BETWEEN HIS DEWCLAWS, CHEST FLOOR, RIB SHAPE AND BODY, BIG BACKED, A HERD BOAR HEAD, AND THE LOOK OF AND COCKINESS OF A CHAMPION! He still blows us away every time we walk by his pen. He is truly a special herd boar! Here's a little about his pedigree: Shameless' sire Stacked Deck, is a littermate to the champion and $50,000 boar from the 2016 WPX. Shameless' grand dam is a Killer Instinct X Monumental's dam. Shameless' mother is a Mountain Time (the sire of the champion over all at the 2014 American Royal) and a littermate to the mother of Stingray at Showtime Sires, Conviction, and Anything Goes at Stohlquist's; All of those genetics are within the first 3 generations of Shameless' pedigree. If you do your research, it only gets more impressive! Thank you Steve Sell for putting together another great one! |