ElevatePay Out X Hush Money X Josey Wales
Housed at Shaffer’s Gold Rush - Contact Shaffers for semen 765-789-8349 Wicked cool one! The true “barrow maker supreme” who is backed by a genetic giant! His mother is a littermate to Quiet Place who has made a huge impact for us and others, most prominently RW Generics (he sired their grand at Montgomery county as well as a set of females making a huge impact for Rick!) Elevate’s mom is also a littermate to Money Heist who we sold to Triple B. The Josey Wales sow is the mother or grandmother of every crossbred sow on the farm and truly does it all. She is also the grandmother of Pay Attention and Checked Out at Southern Gold. Just of note too for the pedigree junkies: Pay Out is also out of a Hush Money sow making this boar a linebred Hush Money and in our opinion he looks it! Also of note on Elevate: His bone, freaky look, and muscle will be selling points but he is also PERFECT from behind and will be able to fix those rear legs that aren’t square enough - in our opinion this singular trait offers as much value to the industry as anything. |